xNULL xcode test


/* AUTHOR : Ley0k
 * DATE : 19/05/2013
 * This script will be released on https://www.x-null.net/forums/forum.php
 * A few part of code were taken from a cheat program which shouldn't be told
 * Any suggestions/code correction/ideas will be appreciated


/* dotproduct
 * Internal use only
dotproduct local.x local.y:
end (local.x[0]*local.y[0]+local.x[1]*local.y[1]+local.x[2]*local.y[2])

/* anglevectors
 * Internal use only
anglevectors local.angles:

	if(level.PI == NIL)
		level.PI = 3.1415926

	local.angle = ( ( (local.angles[1]) * level.PI ) / 180.0 )
	local.sy = sin local.angle
	local.cy = cos local.angle

	local.angle = ( ( (local.angles[0]) * level.PI ) / 180.0 )
	local.sp = sin local.angle
	local.cp = cos local.angle

	local.angle = ( ( (local.angles[2]) * level.PI ) / 180.0 )
	local.sr = sin local.angle
	local.cr = cos local.angle

	local.result[0] = ( 0 0 0 )
	local.result[1] = ( 0 0 0 )
	local.result[2] = ( 0 0 0 )

	local.forward = ( 0 0 0 )
	local.right = ( 0 0 0 )
	local.up = ( 0 0 0 )

	if(local.forward != NIL)
		local.forward[0] = local.cp * local.cy
		local.forward[1] = local.cp * local.sy
		local.forward[2] = -local.sp

	if(local.right != NIL)
		local.right[0] = ( -1 * local.sr * local.sp * local.cy + -1 * local.cr * -local.sy )
		local.right[1] = ( -1 * local.sr * local.sp * local.sy + -1 * local.cr * local.cy )
		local.right[2] = -1 * local.sr * local.cp

	if(local.up != NIL)
		local.up[0] = ( local.cr * local.sp * local.cy + -local.sr * -local.sy )
		local.up[1] = ( local.cr * local.sp * local.sy + -local.sr * local.cy )
		local.up[2] = local.cr * local.cp

	local.result[0] = ( local.forward[0] local.forward[1] local.forward[2] )
	local.result[1] = ( local.right[0] local.right[1] local.right[2] )
	local.result[2] = ( local.up[0] local.up[1] local.up[2] )

end local.result

/* worldtoscreen
 * a player must be specified when calling it (like local.player thread global/huddraw_3d.scr::worldtoscreen)
 * convert a vector (origin) to a screen rectangle
 * result :
 *          returns an array : [0] is the screenX, [1] is the screenY and [2] specify whether if the origin can be shown or not from the player's view
worldtoscreen local.origin:
	if(local.origin == NIL)
		iprintln "^~^~^ local.origin is NIL !"

	if(self == NULL || self == NIL)
		if(self == NULL)
			iprintln "^~^~^ self is NULL, self must be a player !"
			iprintln "^~^~^ self is NIL, self must be a player !"

	local.vfwd = ( 0 0 0 )
	local.vright = ( 0 0 0 )
	local.vup = ( 0 0 0 )
	local.transformed = ( 0 0 0 )

	local.rect[0] = 0
	local.rect[1] = 0
	local.rect[2] = 0

	local.result = waitthread anglevectors self.viewangles

	local.vfwd = local.result[0]
	local.vright = local.result[1]
	local.vup = local.result[2]

	local.origin2 = vector_subtract local.origin ( self gettagposition "eyes bone" )

	local.transformed[0] = waitthread dotproduct local.origin2 local.vright
	local.transformed[1] = waitthread dotproduct local.origin2 local.vup
	local.transformed[2] = waitthread dotproduct local.origin2 local.vfwd

	if(local.transformed[2] < 0.01)
		local.rect[2] = 1 // 1 = not shown

		local.transformed[0] = -local.transformed[0]
		local.transformed[1] = -local.transformed[1]

	local.centerX = 640 / 2 // currently using 640*480 for huddraw
	local.centerY = 480 / 2

	local.xzi		= local.centerX / local.transformed[2] * ( 90.0 / 80 ) // 80 is the default fov in multiplayer
	local.yzi		= local.centerY / local.transformed[2] * ( 90.0 / 60 )

	local.rect[0]	= ( local.xzi * local.transformed[0] )
	local.rect[1]	= ( local.yzi * -local.transformed[1] )

	if(local.rect[2] == 1)
		if(local.rect[1] < ( 480 / 2))
			local.rect[1] = ( 480 / 2 )
		else if(local.rect[1] > ( -480 / 2))
			local.rect[1] = ( -480 / 2 )
		else if(local.rect[1] < ( 640 / 2))
			local.rect[0] = ( 640 / 2 )
		else if(local.rect[0] > ( -640 / 2 ))
			local.rect[0] = ( -640 / 2 )

	if(local.rect[0] > ( 640 / 2))
		local.rect[0] = ( 640 / 2)
	else if(local.rect[0] < ( -640 / 2))
		local.rect[0] = ( -640 / 2)

	if(local.rect[1] > ( 480 / 2))
		local.rect[1] = ( 480 / 2)
	else if(local.rect[1] < ( -480 / 2))
		local.rect[1] = ( -480 / 2)

end local.rect

/* point_frame
 * Internal use only
point_frame local.id:

		if(self == NULL || self == NIL)

		local.origin			= self.point[local.id]["origin"]
		local.offset			= self.point[local.id]["offset"]
		local.entity			= self.point[local.id]["entity"]
		local.string			= self.point[local.id]["string"]
		local.font				= self.point[local.id]["font"]
		local.shader			= self.point[local.id]["shader"]
		local.ignoredistance	= self.point[local.id]["ignoredistance"]
		local.sizeX				= self.point[local.id]["sizeX"]
		local.sizeY				= self.point[local.id]["sizeY"]
		local.delay				= self.point[local.id]["refreshdelay"]

		if(local.origin == NIL)
			// local.origin is NIL, this mean that we should clean up and remove the point
			ihuddraw_font self local.id ""
			ihuddraw_shader self local.id ""
			ihuddraw_string self local.id ""

			ihuddraw_rect self local.id 0 0 0 0
			ihuddraw_virtualsize self local.id 0
			ihuddraw_color self local.id 0.0 0.0 0.0
			ihuddraw_alpha self local.id 0.0


		if(local.entity != NIL)
			local.origin = local.entity.origin + local.offset
			self.point[local.id]["origin"] = local.origin

		local.rect = self waitthread worldtoscreen ( local.origin )

			// calculate the distance from the player origin to the point origin
			local.dist = vector_length (self.origin - (local.origin))

			if(local.rect[2] == 0)
				local.dist_screen = 16384 / local.dist // 16384 is the maximum limit of a BSP map

		if(local.string == NIL)
			ihuddraw_shader self local.id local.shader
		else if(local.shader == NIL)
			ihuddraw_font self local.id local.font
			ihuddraw_string self local.id local.string

		if(!local.ignoredistance && local.rect[2] == 0)
			ihuddraw_rect self local.id local.rect[0] local.rect[1] local.dist_screen local.dist_screen
			ihuddraw_rect self local.id local.rect[0] local.rect[1] local.sizeX local.sizeY
		ihuddraw_virtualsize self local.id 1
		ihuddraw_color self local.id 1 1 1
		ihuddraw_alpha self local.id 1

		if(local.delay == "frame")
			wait local.delay

/* check_huddraw_parameters
 * Internal use only
check_huddraw_parameters local.player local.id local.origin local.string local.shader:
	if(local.id == NIL)
		iprintln "^~^~^ local.id is NIL !"
		end 0

	if(local.string == NIL && local.shader == NIL)
		iprintln "^~^~^ both local.string and local.shader are NIL, one must be specified !"
		end 0

	if(local.player == NULL || local.player == NIL)
		if(local.player == NULL)
			iprintln "^~^~^ Player (self) is NULL, a player must be specified !"
			iprintln "^~^~^ Player (self) is NIL, a player must be specified !"
		end 0
end 1

/* is_point_id_exists
 * parameters :
 *              local.id : identifier of the huddraw element point
 *              local.debugmsg : specify whether to show a debug message if the id cannot be found
 * result :
 *           returns 1 if the id exists, 0 otherwise
is_point_id_exists local.id local.debugmsg:

	if(local.debugmsg == NIL)
		local.debugmsg = 1

	if(local.id == NIL)
			iprintln "^~^~^ local.id is NIL !"

		end 0

	if(self.point[local.id] == NIL)
			iprintln("^~^~^ the player " + self.entnum + " doesn't have the point id " + local.id + " !")

		end 0

end 1

/* add3dpoint : show a 3D icon in-game for a player
 * a player must be specified when calling it (like local.player thread global/huddraw_3d.scr::add3dpoint)
 * parameters :
 *             local.id : identifier of the huddraw element
 *             local.origin : point origin. If local.entity is specified local.origin will be the vector offset for the point from the specified entity
 *             local.string : like the (not working) print3d, it show a string in this location (but is forced to ignore the distance)
 *             local.font [OPTIONAL] : Font to use if local.string is specified. This parameter will be ignored if local.string is not specified. The default font is "facfont-20".
 *             local.shader : shader to show at the origin
 *             local.ignoredistance : if set to 1, the shader will not be auto-sized from the player relative to the point's and local.sizeX and local.sizeY must be specified
 *             local.sizeX : width size of the shader (default 32)
 *             local.sizeY : height size of the shader (default 32)
 *             local.refreshdelay : a number that specify how much to wait before refreshing. Setting "frame" will refresh each server frame. (default "frame")
 *             local.entity [OPTIONAL] : entity to follow. If this parameter is specified, local.origin will be the vector offset for the point from the specified entity
 * remarks :
 *           local.string and local.shader mustn't be specified both
 *           local.sizeX and local.sizeY can be specified only if local.ignoredistance isn't set to 0
 * result :
 *           returns 1 on success, 0 otherwise
add3dpoint local.id local.origin local.string local.font local.shader local.ignoredistance local.sizeX local.sizeY local.refreshdelay local.entity:

	local.result = waitthread check_huddraw_parameters self local.id local.origin local.string local.shader

	if(local.result == 0)
		end 0

	local.result = self waitthread is_point_id_exists local.id 0

	// fail if this point id already exists
		iprintln("^~^~^ the player " + self.entnum + " already have this point ID " + local.id + " ! Use the change3dpoint functions")
		end 0

	if(local.origin == NIL)
		local.origin = ( 0 0 0 )

	if(local.font == NIL)
		local.font = "facfont-20"

	if(local.ignoredistance == NIL)
		local.ignoredistance = 0

	if(local.sizeX == NIL || local.sizeX <= 0)
		local.sizeX = 32

	if(local.sizeY == NIL || local.sizeY <= 0)
		local.sizeY = 32

	if(local.refreshdelay == NIL || (local.refreshdelay != "frame" && local.refreshdelay <= 0))
		local.refreshdelay = "frame"

	self.point[local.id]["origin"]			= local.origin
	self.point[local.id]["offset"]			= local.origin
	self.point[local.id]["entity"]			= local.entity
	self.point[local.id]["string"]			= local.string
	self.point[local.id]["font"]			= local.font
	self.point[local.id]["shader"]			= local.shader
	self.point[local.id]["ignoredistance"]	= local.ignoredistance
	self.point[local.id]["sizeX"]			= local.sizeX
	self.point[local.id]["sizeY"]			= local.sizeY
	self.point[local.id]["refreshdelay"]	= local.refreshdelay

	self thread point_frame local.id
end 1

 * change3dpoint_X : change a 3D point property for a player
 * available functions :
 * change3dpoint_origin 		-> params : ( Integer ID, Vector origin )
 * change3dpoint_string 		-> params : ( Integer ID, String string )
 * change3dpoint_font			-> params : ( Integer ID, String font )
 * change3dpoint_shader			-> params : ( Integer ID, String shader )
 * change3dpoint_ignoredistance -> params : ( Integer ID, Boolean ignore_distance )
 * change3dpoint_size			-> params : ( Integer ID, Integer sizeX, Integer sizeY )
 * change3dpoint_refreshdelay	-> params : ( Integer ID, Integer refreshdelay )
 * See add3dpoint documentation for more informations on what these functions can do
 * returns 1 on success, 0 otherwise

change3dpoint_origin local.id local.origin:

	local.result = self waitthread is_point_id_exists local.id

		end 0

	if(local.origin == NIL)
		local.origin = ( 0 0 0 )

	self.point[local.id]["origin"]			= local.origin
	self.point[local.id]["offset"]			= local.origin
end 1

change3dpoint_string local.id local.string:

	local.result = self waitthread is_point_id_exists local.id

		end 0

	self.point[local.id]["string"] = local.string
end 1

change3dpoint_font local.id local.font:

	local.result = self waitthread is_point_id_exists local.id

		end 0

	if(local.font == NIL)
		local.font = "facfont-20"

	self.point[local.id]["font"] = local.string
end 1

change3dpoint_shader local.id local.shader:

	local.result = self waitthread is_point_id_exists local.id

		end 0

	self.point[local.id]["shader"] = local.shader
end 1

change3dpoint_ignoredistance local.id local.ignoredistance:

	local.result = self waitthread is_point_id_exists local.id

		end 0

	if(local.ignoredistance == NIL)
		local.ignoredistance = 0

	self.point[local.id]["ignoredistance"] = local.ignoredistance
end 1

change3dpoint_size local.id local.sizeX local.sizeY:

	local.result = self waitthread is_point_id_exists local.id

		end 0

	if(local.sizeX == NIL || local.sizeX <= 0)
		local.sizeX = 32

	if(local.sizeY == NIL || local.sizeY <= 0)
		local.sizeY = 32

	self.point[local.id]["ignoredistance"] = local.ignoredistance
end 1

change3dpoint_refreshdelay local.id local.refreshdelay:

	local.result = self waitthread is_point_id_exists local.id

		end 0

	if(local.refreshdelay == NIL || local.refreshdelay <= 0)
		local.refreshdelay = "frame"

	self.point[local.id]["refreshdelay"] = local.refreshdelay
end 1

/* change3dpoint_followent
 * setting local.entity to NIL or NULL will make the point stop following the entity

change3dpoint_followent local.id local.entity:

	local.result = self waitthread is_point_id_exists local.id

		end 0

	if(local.entity == NULL)
		local.entity = NIL

	self.point[local.id]["entity"] = local.entity
end 1

/* remove3dpoint : remove a 3D point from a player
 * parameters :
 *              local.id : 3D point id to remove from the player
 * returns 1 on success, 0 otherwise
remove3dpoint local.id:

	local.result = self waitthread is_point_id_exists local.id

		end 0

	self.point[local.id]["origin"]			= NIL
	self.point[local.id]["offset"]			= NIL
	self.point[local.id]["string"]			= NIL
	self.point[local.id]["shader"]			= NIL
	self.point[local.id]["ignoredistance"]	= NIL
	self.point[local.id]["sizeX"]			= NIL
	self.point[local.id]["sizeY"]			= NIL
	self.point[local.id]["refreshdelay"]	= NIL

	self.point[local.id]					= NIL
end 1


console.log("Hello World");

Prism.plugins.toolbar.registerButton('hello-world', {
	text: 'Hello World!', // required
	onClick: function (env) { // optional
		alert('This code snippet is written in ' + env.language + '.');



#include "MHC-cache.h"

//HWND pleaseWait = FindWindow("TfrmWait", "Please Wait...");
//HWND cancelButton = FindWindowEx( pleaseWait, NULL, NULL, "Cancel" );

DWORD DetourPatchcall( PBYTE pSrc, PBYTE pDst, BOOL bForce )
	DWORD dwOrgCallDest = 0;
	DWORD dwOldProtection = 0;
	DWORD dwRel = 0;

	if(!pSrc || !pDst)
		return (0);

	if( *pSrc == 0xE8 || bForce )
		if( *pSrc == 0xE8 )
			dwRel = *(DWORD*)( pSrc + 1 );
			dwOrgCallDest = ( (DWORD)pSrc + dwRel + 0x5 );
			dwOrgCallDest = 1; // return 1 means no original call at pSrc

		#ifdef WIN32

			if( !VirtualProtect( (PVOID)pSrc, 0x1000, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &dwOldProtection ) )
				return (0);


			unprotect( GET_PAGE( pSrc ), 4096 );

		if ( ( ( (unsigned long)pSrc ) & 0xfff ) > 0xff9 )
			unprotect( GET_PAGE( pSrc + 4096 ), 4096 );


		*pSrc = 0xE8;
		*( DWORD* )( pSrc + 1 ) = (DWORD)( pDst - pSrc - 5 );

		#ifdef WIN32
			VirtualProtect( (PVOID)pSrc, 0x1000, dwOldProtection, &dwOldProtection );

		return dwOrgCallDest;
	return (0);

//This function is called for users that toggle between host and field mode ONLY
void __stdcall callMaintenanceForHostAndField()
	HWND pleaseWait = FindWindow("TfrmWait", "Please Wait...");
	HWND cancelButton = FindWindowEx( pleaseWait, NULL, NULL, "Cancel" );

	WriteMemory( ForceCacheMaintenanceOnExitAddress, (BYTE*)"\xEB", 1 ); //0x01C9CBEA

		mov edx, OffsetForHostAndField //0x1C7C4C0
		call edx
		xor ecx, ecx
		mov dl, 0
		mov ebx, callMaintenanceForHostAndFieldAddress //0x01C9CB54
		call ebx


	// Simulate a key press
	keybd_event( VK_RETURN, 0x45, KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY | 0, 0 );

	// Simulate a key release

	//Hide the Cancel button on the cache maintenance screen
		ShowWindow(cancelButton, SW_HIDE);